Sketches by Boz: Volume 1

Category: Books,Literature & Fiction,Short Stories & Anthologies,Short Stories

Sketches by Boz: Volume 1 Details

Charles Dickens started his literary career as a journalist reporting for 'The Morning Chronicle,' a profession which encouraged his observing eye. This collection of essays and short stories was first published in that journal and anticipates, and frequently demonstrates, the genius that was to come. The Sketches 'Illustrative of Everyday Life and Everyday People' are a valuable documentary account of existence in the great metropolis during the early part of the nineteenth century and exhibit to the full the waspish wit, joie de vivre and compassion, for which the author was known. From the humorous gossip of 'The Curate' to the informative 'Scotland Yard' and on to a campaigning descriptive piece about Newgate Prison, Dickens takes us on a rewarding journey across our capital city, enlivened by the quirks and foibles of its inhabitants. This is the first of several volumes of Dickens' journalistic writing to be published in audio format by Assembled Stories. We are sure you will enjoy them.


Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is the greatest English novelist. We all know and love his novels. However, most readers do not read "Sketches by Boz" which is an early compilation of articles the budding author penned for various newspapers and journals. These sketches were written while Dickens was a parliamentary reporter in his early 20s. Wnence does the name "Boz" derive? As a young lad Dickens gave his younger brother Augustus the nickname "Moses" in honor of a character in Oliver Goldsmith;'s classic novel "The Vicar of Wakefield." Young Augustus could not pronounce "Moses" correctly calling himself "Boz". Dickens decided this would be a good name to apply to himself as he submitted the anonymous humorous sketches he produced in profusion in the 1830s. We sometimes foget that Dickens was already an author prior to the ascension of Queen Victoria in 1837. The Penguin edition divides the lengthy sketches into four sections:"Sketches from our Parish:; :Scenes of London"; "Characters" and the best section "Tales" which are humorous short stories. The book is illustrated by George Cruikshank a good friend of the author and along with Phiz one of Dickens best illustrators. The various tales are of uneven quality. Do not read this book if you are seeking the complexity of a "Bleak House": "Little Dorrit" or "Our Mutual Friend." Do peruse them if you enjoy succinctly and well observed tales and sketches of what it was like to live in London in the 1830s as the city was becoming a vast metropolis filled with interesting characters. I loved Dickens sketches of what a London street scene was like in the bustle of early morning. His stories of life in the theatre were excellent as was his tour of Newgate prison . If you have not read Dickens I suggest you begin with "The Pickwick Papers" and this apprentice work. Once you enter the magical, dangerous, hilarious wonderful world of Charles Dickens you will apply for citizenship papers in Mr. Dickens literary universe!

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